Outlets page is where an order will be processed and delivered from. If you have more than one outlet or branch, customers can choose whi...
25 Jun 2021
This is where you can list all your sellable items. Here, you can download a copy of your item list in CSV, or template for importing, b...
25 Jun 2021
Categories are a grouping of items. For example, you could have a group named Specials, Promotions, as well as common ones like Drinks, D...
25 Jun 2021
Time Slots is way to handle available order time. You can disable a day, or have different operating time for a different day. You can se...
24 Jun 2021
You want your customer to choose their order type at the first step. Instead of at the end of the checkout process.You can let your custo...
10 Apr 2023